
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Oh, macaroons!

I seriously need to find somewhere in Utah that sells these babies.
They look so cute and yummy I can hardly stand it!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My grandma

Last Saturday we got a call from my aunt that my grandma had a brain hemorrhage and was in the hospital. My heart pretty much sank as I heard my mom on the phone. She has a blood clot in her brain which caused the hemorrhage and completely lost her memory for a few days. Luckily, she's started remembering people again.. The really hard part about all this is being in a whole other state and not being there with her, and watching my mom not being able to do anything about it. 
She's doing better though. The blood clot hasn't grown and the swelling in her brain has gone done. Now we just have to wait to find out how badly damaged her brain is from the hemorrhage. I really hope we can make it back soon to see her even if she can't remember our faces.

(Here are some pictures of my very long weekend filled with tons of coffee, and a quick trip to target where I found some cute non-prescription glasses :) )

Friday, March 23, 2012

My Friday

Today has been pretty awesome. Originally we were going to all go downtown and see the new outdoor mall everyone's been bragging about, but instead we traveled a few blocks and saw The Hunger Games! Yep, I'm one of those fans! I had planned on waiting a few days to see it with my mom, but plans changed and I am thrilled! It was a pretty good movie and now I can't wait for the next one. After that we went to The Olive Garden, stuffed our faces, and stomachs and came home to some puppy lovin' and t.v.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.
Here's some Cleo/Spork pictures I love oh so much!

Monday, March 19, 2012


(These pictures were taken three years ago, when my little man was just a teenager)

Some days I get into these funks.. Where everything feels backwards and nothing feels like it should, and then I go back and look at old pictures. I see the thinner, more care free self I use to be. Just out of high school, working a full time job and always trying new things. What I really miss is the self control I had. I worked out and ate pretty alright. Always cooked mine and Nick's meals and was at my skinniest weight. Now, I see myself and feel let down. Why didn't I work out, and keep it up and how do you get back into that mindset to be you again? It's a tricky balance... I seriously have little desire to give up the yummy unhealthy foods, and always fail at diets a week into them. I'm pretty damn stuck and it feels pretty pathetic. I hate to fill my little spot here with lame depressing crap, but there you have it, I'm in a rut! One that I'm going to try and desperately to get out of. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cloudy & Rain

This past week has been gorgeous and filled with tons of walks by the river, so a rainy weekend here isn't bad but rather pretty relaxing. My new laptop arrived and nick and I spent the majority of yesterday just laying on my new mattress relaxing and enjoying something new. This morning is a lot of the same. Lots of tea, Harry Potter marathons on t.v. and pink lemonade cupcakes. I really love weekends at home with my family.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The post in which I get a bed!

This week is been pretty crazy. My sister moved about five hours away yesterday morning, so we're all feeling the loss today. It's definitely been weird not having her close by. 
Tuesday was a good day though. It was the day my mattress arrived and I'm in love with it.
Having something soft to sleep on is amazing!

Friday, March 9, 2012

The past couple of days

Things around here have been pretty laid back.
Nick's work has been pretty slow these past few weeks so he surprised me with a day off yesterday,
so we went and ordered my mattress! I'm pretty dang excited about this. Afterwards we went and got some panda to sooth our Chinese craving. The rest of the week was spent reading tons, cuddles with my Spork and getting cute polka dot sun glasses to match my Ipad case. 
Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Monday, March 5, 2012

A walk by the river

This is basically what the last two hours looked like for me.
Seeing Cleo and Spork playing in the river, running around like crazy and 
barking at trains really made my week.
I love my fur babies.

A weekend

The weather was so nice the weekend, so we spent the majority of it outside on walks.
Then we had a little movie night with some shrimp pasta and made mudslides. 
I'm really looking forward to the next couple of weeks.. Nice weather, ordering my mattress! and my laptop should be here around the 15th!
I'm having some serious hair issues lately too. Going blonder means risking my hair feeling like cotton candy, or I'm think going back to my natural medium brown color. Thoughts? There are just too many options out there!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Today was pretty uneventful as is my life lately,
but I did find an awesome new mug to add to my collection
and I'm finally getting a mattress within the next couple weeks!
I've been sleeping on a futon since I moved here.. Horrible I tell you!