
Monday, March 19, 2012


(These pictures were taken three years ago, when my little man was just a teenager)

Some days I get into these funks.. Where everything feels backwards and nothing feels like it should, and then I go back and look at old pictures. I see the thinner, more care free self I use to be. Just out of high school, working a full time job and always trying new things. What I really miss is the self control I had. I worked out and ate pretty alright. Always cooked mine and Nick's meals and was at my skinniest weight. Now, I see myself and feel let down. Why didn't I work out, and keep it up and how do you get back into that mindset to be you again? It's a tricky balance... I seriously have little desire to give up the yummy unhealthy foods, and always fail at diets a week into them. I'm pretty damn stuck and it feels pretty pathetic. I hate to fill my little spot here with lame depressing crap, but there you have it, I'm in a rut! One that I'm going to try and desperately to get out of. 

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